Hey everybody welcome to your move I'm from Sydney guard rails have you ever met anyone you wish you'd never met of course you have isn't it interesting that the folks Sydney guard rails met are often associated with our greatest regret and that's what Sydney guard rails are talking about today right here have you ever met someone that later you wish you'd never met nervous laughter.
Yes and no elbows and don't lean over and look okay have you have you ever met someone that you wish you'd never met or maybe that's too personal how about this hat did your head your wife or your husband ever met someone you wish they had never met that maybe they wish they never met or maybe they're a little bit too happy.
That they met Sydney guard rails mean have you know or maybe have your kids ever met people that you wish they had never met and all of us have a story into answers yes and this is such a strange dynamic but Sydney guard rails are gonna talk about it for a few minutes it's folks we've met in this truth it's folks Sydney guard rails have met that are connected to our greatest regret.
I don't know what your greatest regret is but I bet you weren't alone right I don't know what your greatest regrets are but chances are you weren't alone or if you were alone it was still connected to a relationship and this is such a strange thing because our greatest regrets involve people often times and the people they involve.
They're not our enemies they're not people that were hostile with I mean we're on our guard around people that you know there have hostility toward us but they're usually with our friends our greatest regrets are usually connected with people Guard Rails Sydney have met and we considered those people friends that's something to think about now everybody knows.
What a guardrail is on the highway but a quick review a guardrail is a system it's a system a system designed to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas and we said last week the guardrails do at least two things they direct us and they protect this they direct and they protect and the other thing about a guardrail.
This becomes important as we talk about how this implement how this applies to our lives is that guardrails are never placed in the danger zone guardrails are never placed in the danger zone guardrails are actually placed in the safety zone and no one argues with this no one argues that no they need to give us those extra three feet you know to drive in nobody argues with this idea.
Nobody would argue that we need to put the guardrail in the danger zone or even on the line when it comes to driving Guard Rails Sydney understand the idea of a margin for error the other thing about a guardrail is that they are designed to minimize damage to your vehicle if you hit a guardrail you will have to go to a repair but you may not have to go to the hospital the damage done by hitting a guardrail is much less than the damage done to you and your vehicle.
If there was no guardrail but the reason that Guard Rails Sydney named this entire series guardrails is because the highway is not the only place we need some financial guardrails we need some relational guardrails you may need some professional guardrails and the truth is your greatest regret your greatest regret your greatest regret may have been avoided
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